Awk: Count number of occurences of a string in a file
awk -F ‘{print NF-1}’ e.g.: awk -F: ‘{print NF-1}’ SUMM_DQ_KEY_ISSUE.osh
awk -F ‘{print NF-1}’ e.g.: awk -F: ‘{print NF-1}’ SUMM_DQ_KEY_ISSUE.osh
select table_name, constraint_name, status, owner from all_constraints where r_constraint_name in (–get primary and unique constraints on the target table. These can be used for FK references by other tables select constraint_name from all_constraints where constraint_type in (‘P’, ‘U’) and table_name …
Rather than fret about how to escape 2 single quotes for example, just use the quote function and native text: QUOTE: q'{}’; vSQL := q'{ALTER TABLE DIM_ISSUE ADD (CONSTRAINT DIM_ISSUE_C9 CHECK (length(regexp_replace(UPPER(issue_name),'[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_]’,”)) = 0 AND regexp_like(issue_name,’^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]+.*$’)))}’; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE(vSQL;)
DECLARE table_exists NUMBER :=0; –column_exists NUMBER :=0; BEGIN –Drop table / column if it exists SELECT COUNT(*) INTO table_exists FROM USER_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = ‘‘; –SELECT COUNT(*) INTO column_exists ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE OWNER = ‘‘ AND TABLE_NAME = ‘‘ AND COLUMN_NAME …
Use XmlAgg function to build up a dynamic string over the 4000 character limit, by using .getClobVal() to create a CLOB string –get rid of the final UNION ALL select regexp_replace ( nSQL, ‘(^.*) UNION ALL $’, ‘\1’ ) vSQL …
Export current IA project Use command line tool to export current IA project. The tool is located under your local installation of Information Server client or on server: <IIS install path>/ASBNode/bin The command to export given project content is: …
Question: How to connect to sqlplus? Answer: Launch cmd window and enter: sqlplus user/password@server Question: How do I execute a SQL script file in SQLPlus? Answer: To execute a script file in SQLPlus, type @ and then the file name. …