If you need to print a SQL run by any tDBinput_ component: System.out.println(((String)(((org.talend.components.snowflake.tsnowflakeinput.TSnowflakeInputProperties)globalMap.get(“tDBInput_3_COMPONENT_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES”)).getValuedProperty(“query”).getValue()))); ? You just need to ensure you’re giving the right “tDBInput_” name

dsjob -domain <FULLY_QUALIFIED_SERVICES_TIER_SERVER_AND_DOMAIN>:<SERVICES_TIER_PORT> -user <USER> -server <FULLY_QUALIFIED_ENGINE_SERVER> <DSJOB_COMMANDS…> E.G: dsjob -domain serviceteir1.somewhere.gov.au:9446 -user admindoier -server enginetier1.somewhere.gov.au -lprojects

http://www.dsxchange.com/viewtopic.php?p=280909&sid=7f01f681cfdf54b57c1dc7c1b9b8670b My job was being called from a sequence. In the parameter value expression I used the following: “\’”:Ereplace (pParam, “,”, “\’,\’”):”\’” It looks a bit confusing because of the mixture of double and single quotes, but essentially it is …

DataStage: Handle quotes in a parameter Read more »