Snowflake generate sequence without gaps
This example shows how to use ROW_NUMBER to generate a sequence without gaps:
This example shows how to use ROW_NUMBER to generate a sequence without gaps:
Example SQL reading native JSON data:
To record timestamps in local timezone format nicely in via Talend use datatype: TIMESTAMPLTZ(3) To display without the offset value set session variable: ALTER SESSION SET TIMESTAMP_LTZ_OUTPUT_FORMAT = ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3’
Create Database Link example: Or even better, because you don’t need to know the TNS_NAME_ENTRY as defined on the server you are creating the DBLINK from:
Use oracle DUMP function to see internal representation of a character field, e.g. to see hidden trailing characters as in example below: ENTERPRISE_ID EMPLOYER_ID SOURCE_BUSINESS_ID SOURCE_FRIENDLY_ID GOVERMENT_AGENCY_FG SETUP_COMPLETED_FG ————- ———– ————————————————– ——————– ——————- —————— 27905692 13034613 3C02DB52-52C1-43B1-98DE-EA75CA9AB7AC BULS_6930 N Y …
Example of sqlplus script to dump tables to flat file
Example of LEAD and LAG analytic functions used to determine previous and next records