Information Analyzer Tips

Export current IA project
Use command line tool to export current IA project. The tool is located under your local installation of Information Server client or on server:
<IIS install path>/ASBNode/bin

The command to export given project content is: -user <UserName> -password <Password> -host <HostName> -port <PortNumber> -xml –output <OutputFile> -getProject –projectName <IAProjectName>

For example:
/app/ibm/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/ -user svollett -password ****** -host myhost –port 9080 -xml -output /opt2/ETL/working/project/xml/Project05142014.xml -getProject -projectName Project


Export / Import IA project and components


Run a data rule from the command line
cd /app/ibm/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin
. ./ -user svollett -password ***** -isHost myhost -port 9080 -run <PROJECT_NAME> <DATA_RULE_NAME>