My job was being called from a sequence. In the parameter value expression I used the following: “\’”:Ereplace (pParam, “,”, “\’,\’”):”\’” It looks a bit confusing because of the mixture of double and single quotes, but essentially it is …

DataStage: Handle quotes in a parameter Read more »

Rather than fret about how to escape 2 single quotes for example, just use the quote function and native text: QUOTE: q'{}’; vSQL := q'{ALTER TABLE DIM_ISSUE ADD (CONSTRAINT DIM_ISSUE_C9 CHECK (length(regexp_replace(UPPER(issue_name),'[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_]’,”)) = 0 AND regexp_like(issue_name,’^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]+.*$’)))}’; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE(vSQL;)