LDAP AD Learnings
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Generic scripts to sftp files: https://vollett.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/sftp.zip sftp.zip contains: 1) sftp_batch_job.sh: Wrapper script that reads GHAW_IIS_001 file and for each line within calls… 2) sftp_files.sh: Issues SFTP commands 3) GHAW_IIS_001: List of SFTP instructions that make up the batch job
To obtain a lock on a file, use flock command as per example:
If you have a job running in Control-M but are unable to kill it, these steps may help: Double click on the rogue job(s) in the EM GUI Click on the ACTIVE tab Note the Order ID number i.e 00cee …
Create Database Link example: Or even better, because you don’t need to know the TNS_NAME_ENTRY as defined on the server you are creating the DBLINK from:
Use oracle DUMP function to see internal representation of a character field, e.g. to see hidden trailing characters as in example below: ENTERPRISE_ID EMPLOYER_ID SOURCE_BUSINESS_ID SOURCE_FRIENDLY_ID GOVERMENT_AGENCY_FG SETUP_COMPLETED_FG ————- ———– ————————————————– ——————– ——————- —————— 27905692 13034613 3C02DB52-52C1-43B1-98DE-EA75CA9AB7AC BULS_6930 N Y …