CTRL-M Kill executing job

If you have a job running in Control-M but are unable to kill it, these steps may help:

  1. Double click on the rogue job(s) in the EM GUI
  2. Click on the ACTIVE tab
  3. Note the Order ID number i.e 00cee
  4. Log on to CTM server as the CTM administrator
  5. On a command line type the following command p_36 followed by the Order ID Example: result = 16070
  6. Type in ctm_menu
  7. Choose Option 8 Troubleshooting
  8. Choose option 14 Interactive SQL commands
  9. Type delete from CMR_AJF where ORDERNO=xxx; *** DON’T FORGET THE ; AT THE ENDOF THE COMMAND ***
  10. The response should be; 1row deleted
  11. Type \q Press enter as instructed
  12. Choose option 16 Force Download (This will re-synchronize Control-M andE/M)
  13. Press enter as instructed
  14. Go into the EM GUI click on Refresh Needed
  15. Hey presto ! the rogue job(s) will have disappeared

Another more direct method using a perl script