CTRL-M Kill executing job
If you have a job running in Control-M but are unable to kill it, these steps may help:
- Double click on the rogue job(s) in the EM GUI
- Click on the ACTIVE tab
- Note the Order ID number i.e 00cee
- Log on to CTM server as the CTM administrator
- On a command line type the following command p_36 followed by the Order ID Example: result = 16070
- Type in ctm_menu
- Choose Option 8 Troubleshooting
- Choose option 14 Interactive SQL commands
- Type delete from CMR_AJF where ORDERNO=xxx; *** DON’T FORGET THE ; AT THE ENDOF THE COMMAND ***
- The response should be; 1row deleted
- Type \q Press enter as instructed
- Choose option 16 Force Download (This will re-synchronize Control-M andE/M)
- Press enter as instructed
- Go into the EM GUI click on Refresh Needed
- Hey presto ! the rogue job(s) will have disappeared
Another more direct method using a perl script