Information Server Manager: SubVersion Eclipse plug-in
An easy way to find a job number is with DataStage Administrator. In DataStage Administrator, select a project on the Projects tab, then press the Command button. Enter the command: LIST DS_JOBS JOBNO WITH NAME = “your job name“ Press the Execute button, and …
-bash-3.2$ cat ClearPH.ksh #!/bin/ksh ################################################################################ # File Name : ClearPH.ksh # Description : Clears the &PH& directories of any files older than 10 days. # This is a regular datastage maintenance task required as per: # # # Change … 1. Ask the person (login Id) having the issue to get out of DataStage all together… 2. In Administrator click on the Command button 3. Execute LIST.READU and note the ALL Inode and User No for the Login Id …
syntax sqlplus -S <userid>/<password>@<database> @<sql-file> > <output-file> 2> /dev/null example sqlplus -S <meuser>/<mepass>@<medatabase> @<mequery.sql> > <meoutput.dat> 2> /dev/null The below lines need to be at the top of the sql-file to ensure the output-file is formatted correctly. -S set …
syntax sqlldr <schema_name>/<schema_password>@<database_name> control=<control_file> log=<log_file> data=<data_file> example sqlldr <meschema>/<mepassword>@<medatabase> control=<mecontrol_file> log=<melog_file> data=<medata_file> <control_file>.ctl control script LOAD DATA APPEND INTO TABLE <TABLE_NAME> FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘<FIELD_SEPARATOR_VALUE>’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘<QUOTE_CHARACTER>’ TRAILING NULLCOLS (<COL1>, <COL2>, <COL3>)
syntax RENAME <old-table-name> TO <new-table-name> example RENAME cutomers; TO new_customers
syntax SELECT <query-fields> FROM <table-name> sample(<%age of records to be returned>) [WHERE <condition>] example SELECT <customer-name> FROM <customer> sample(10)